Natural chemical free face cleanser and moisturizing treatments to try....
I've just got my new "Herb Companion" and was inspired by these natural recipes to try at home. Like most of you I spend a lot of cash on face care products always trying to find that miricle in a bottle but hate the prices :(
BUT what I really hate MOST of all is the idea of myself and my daughters putting all of those chemicals on our skin knowing how we absorb them all. I found these and wanted to post and give them a try. Let me know if you try them and give me feedback. I will be trying them right along with you. Please becareful not to use anything you are alergic to.
Gentle cleanser~
said to be a good alternative to harsh soaps. This cleanser has soothing properties that make it especially good for sensitive or mature skin.
1~Cup whole milk or soymilk
1/2~ cup whole oats
1~tablespoon honey
~Pour all ingredients on high until smooth and creamy.
~Pour into a clean jar with a tight-fitting lid. Store in refrigerator.
~To use: Place a small amount in the palm of your hand, then gently massage into your skin. Rinse well with warm water and pat your skin dry.
Anti-Aging Cream~
Don't forget an important part of the complexion: your neck. This evening neck cream is rich in skin-conditioning oils. For soft, smooth skin, massage a small amount into your face and neck nightly.
2~tablespoons coconut oil
1~tablespoon olive oil
1~tablespoon grated cocoa butter
1~teaspoon vitamin E oil
~Mix all ingredients in a small pan and heat gently on the stovetop until the mixture warms and just begins to melt.
~Remove from heat and stir until completely melted and mixed. Pour into a clean jar with a lid.
~To Use: Massgae a small amount into your neck and face at night before going to bed.
Restoring Mask
As we age, our skin becomes drier. This moisturizing mask plumps up dry skin with egg yolks, which are an excellent sourse of skin-softening lecithin. If you have extremely dry skin, use weekly.
1~egg yolk
1~teaspoon olive oil
1 to 2~tablespoons mashed avocado
~Mix all ingredients and stir until smooth.
~To Use: Spread on damp skin. Let sit 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water; pat dry.
I'm on a roll
5 years ago
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